Family Tree Irish Genealogy Guide.
My book, The Family Tree Irish Genealogy Guide: How to Trace Ancestors in Ireland is back on bookstore shelves across North America and online due to a purchase by Penguin Random House – perhaps the world’s premier publisher! – and their subsequent rerelease in June 2019.
The Family Tree Irish Genealogy Guide was specifically written for Irish-Americans and provides detailed guidance for researching in US records the place/townland of origin for your Irish immigrant ancestor’s hometown in Ireland. While its primary purpose is tracking down Irish immigration to America, however, many of its research techniques could easily be applied elsewhere and should enable family historians worldwide to easily locate resources similar to those recommended for researching Irish ancestry in their own nation.
On its 240 pages, this guide also offers detailed guidance on locating and using all the main Irish family history record collections – census, civil registration, land/property records, newspapers, probate and military – in addition to providing researchers with guidance for finding the most beneficial online resources and tools.
There’s also helpful background on Irish history, geography, administrative divisions and naming patterns; how to translate Latin records for graveyard research as well as sample records with tips; as well as an extensive reference section listing research societies, archives & libraries publications websites plus county genealogy centres that can all help in uncovering your Irish heritage. You will find everything needed in this Guide!
If you’d like a sample, visit Google Books here.
Family Tree Irish Genealogy Guide is now available at select retail outlets across North America, either directly from them or their online shops.