County map

County map of Ireland

This county map depicts all 32 historical Irish counties without making distinctions between Republic and Northern Ireland, as listed hereunder. See further down for lists of counties within each area.

Download a full-page version for free by following the link provided in the Where Next section further down this page.

Names of modern counties have changed and they are no longer identified with “county”, as opposed to being preceded by it.

So if your ancestors hail from Clare, they would likely have said they came from County Clare instead of Clare County.

Only two counties were exempt, being “King’s County” and “Queen’s County”, both now known as County Offaly and Laois respectively.

Below you’ll find historical and general information about Ireland’s counties.

Alphabetical List of Ireland’s Counties

Discover more about each historical county on these alphabetical pages below, which are organized alphabetically:

These pages offer extra social and historical details about each county: Antrim-Dublin, Fermanagh-Louth, Mayo-Sligo and Tipperary-Wicklow.

As you become acquainted with Ireland’s county map and begin using it for genealogy research, the following may prove invaluable:

Ireland was divided into counties sometime between the late 12th century, when Anglo Normans invaded, and early 17th centuries; typically following ancient clan lines drawn among powerful clan families.

Dublin County was the first one established with an elected sheriff charged with legal, military and administrative control. Following its creation, other counties in Ireland began emerging eastwards until reaching northern regions by early 1600s.

Antrim and Down were the first counties established in Ulster; all others remained “un-shired” until about 1585.

Wicklow became the final county to be established in Ireland by 1606 when its formation took place.

Irish counties’ names have changed over time, which could present challenges when searching historical and genealogical documents.

On medieval maps you may encounter Caterlaugh or Caterlagh rather than County Carlow; and Coleraine which evolved into County Derry which is also commonly referred to as County Londonderry (these names can sometimes be interchanged).
Queen’s County (not Queen’s Counte), now County Laois or sometimes written as Leix, once existed as part of Ireland.
King’s County (not County Kings), now County Offaly. Additionally, Nether Tyrone and Upper Tyrone existed prior to being combined into County Tyrone in 1586, as did Desmond which was shared between Cork and Kerry until 1606.

Where should I go next?
Download a full-page (pdf) of Ireland’s County Map as a PDF document. Also find some printable maps and facts on Ireland’s geography here. Want to discover where/when your Irish Ancestors lived? Learn how you can begin Tracing Your Roots here.